日本女孩节英语介绍,日本女孩节英语简介 日本的女孩节是怎么过的

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  女孩节的英文先容:(两种说法)  Girl's day is also called the peach flower festival, a traditional festival from China to Japan. Every year lunar calendar in March third, Japanese girls wear traditional clothing under the peach tree flowers, is wishes girl happy holiday in the future. This day, people imitate the old palace customs, place beautiful puppets and peach blossom in together, drink glutinous rice of the wines. “Girl's day” in Japan, has a history of more than 600 years.

日本女孩节英语介绍,日本女孩节英语简介 日本的女孩节是怎么过的


  The source of this festival can be traced back to the heian period of more than 1000 years ago. At that time there are in the original third day of march “disease-free interest disaster” habit of prayers, at this time, people call to division of Yin and Yang (divination) prayed to the gods of heaven and earth, offering seasonal food, in the river, floating in the sea some paper to make a puppet. To their doom expected pay on dummy, with them. And noble girls have the habit of dolls people of that era, the method is similar to our current house, over time, slowly, the two custom overlap, it evolved into today's sections.


  小结:  从上述可知,日本的女孩节发源有两种说法,一种是源自中国传进日本,另一种则是日本安然时代的一种祭奠习俗的演变。


标签: 民俗节庆

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